GitHub CoPilot self-signed certificate error in Intellij

As of 2023-01-25 there has been an issue with GitHub CoPilot plugin on Intellij (and other IDEs supporting GitHub CoPilot as well) that if the machine had self-signed certificates (like in an office laptop) then it would throw following error : Sign in failed. Reason: Request signInInitiate failed with message: self signed certificate in certificate chain, request id: 3, error code: -32603 In this post I am proposing a fix that works fine as of 2023-01-25. ...

January 25, 2023 · Siddharth

Why am I still around?

Disclaimer: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. At the time of writing this blog, it has been 3.5 years that I had been working with AdNovum Singapore. Those who are aware of Singapore trend of how quickly hop around companies, might feel something unusual here. In Singapore, on an average an employee sticks for nearly 11 months and has an annual resignation rate of 15.6% (source: ...

July 16, 2018 · Siddharth

Year in review 2017

Another year passed, lots of memories created, made few friends, got hurt, made mistakes (and blunders) , learnt and … so much more. A whole year feels nothing if you do not retrospect but if you sit back and reflect there is so much there … really! So now I present my journey 2017. ...

May 20, 2018 · Siddharth

FAQ - NUS SoC Masters of Computing Admissions

Being NUS School of Computing alumni, my friends and I have answered to a lot of queries to a lot of aspirants by replying to their emails, having hangout sessions, meeting in person and through so many other channels. So we thought to compile a list of the common questions which are asked by Masters of Computing aspirants. ...

August 20, 2017 · Siddharth


During my early school days, I was part of that small group of students who were afraid to speak in front of a bigger group, got bullied, and resisted to speak against anything wrong happening with them. I didn’t even feel confident enough to take help from my parents on this matter. ...

August 13, 2017 · Siddharth

Year in review 2016

With so many things squeezed into just one year, I found it an interesting idea to retrospect 2016. So I jotted a couple of major events that happened in this year. ...

February 13, 2017 · Siddharth

Tioman Island - Serenity redefined

Singapore had elections coming on Friday and it was time for us to plan for some trip to enjoy our long weekend. Thats how we planned for Tioman, a small island in Malaysia. ...

October 10, 2015 · Siddharth

SSH to a machine behind NAT

SSHing to a machine behind NAT has generally been a daunting task. One of the common way that people tend to use is through forwarding a port from router on to the machine. But it is not always the case that a person has access to router configuration settings of his network. I recently stumbled upon an awesome tool named ngrok which solves this problem very elegantly. Even though this tool’s mail purpose is to take your localhost online but it has many other features out of which we will leverage one now....

September 27, 2014 · Siddharth