GitHub CoPilot self-signed certificate error in Intellij

As of 2023-01-25 there has been an issue with GitHub CoPilot plugin on Intellij (and other IDEs supporting GitHub CoPilot as well) that if the machine had self-signed certificates (like in an office laptop) then it would throw following error : Sign in failed. Reason: Request signInInitiate failed with message: self signed certificate in certificate chain, request id: 3, error code: -32603 In this post I am proposing a fix that works fine as of 2023-01-25. ...

January 25, 2023 · Siddharth

SSH to a machine behind NAT

SSHing to a machine behind NAT has generally been a daunting task. One of the common way that people tend to use is through forwarding a port from router on to the machine. But it is not always the case that a person has access to router configuration settings of his network. I recently stumbled upon an awesome tool named ngrok which solves this problem very elegantly. Even though this tool’s mail purpose is to take your localhost online but it has many other features out of which we will leverage one now....

September 27, 2014 · Siddharth